December 28, 2008

You know you're a journalist when...

…you call your editor — not 911 — to report that a car just run over a kid.

…your two best ideas for holiday destinations are Darfur and Afghanistan.

…you consider everybody is your potential news sources.

…you’re not able to get anything done, unless there’s a deadline involved.

…you seriously believe that the fact that everything is fine is not worth reporting.

…you blame the existence of tabloids on people who are stupid enough to read them.

…you think it’s perfectly normal to go through at least three newspapers and a couple of news broadcasts before other people even get out of bed. think it's perfectly normal to measure the length of a text in words or characters.

...your desk is so crammed with notepads, post-its and press-releases, that doing any actual work becomes practically impossible. have a near-death experience, but you’re preoccupied with the headlines for it. have oddball conversations with close friends about your love for semi-colons. utilize clever headlines in everyday conversations.

...your most frightening nightmares are about missing deadlines.

...everything happening around you becomes a possible Pulitzer award-winning photo.

...the only questions you ask are open-ended. hate Fox News.

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